History and Biography

History and Biography

Historical works present special challenges for indexing since they contain many references to events, people, and places. Indexing Partners has demonstrated the accuracy needed for the capture of all such details. In addition, we analyze the concepts covered to create meaningful entries for researchers, students, and readers of historical material. In years 2023 and 2024, we have written indexes for over 20 biographies (some as large as 600 pages).

Biographies are one of our favorite areas to index. They make history come alive through their thorough treatment of a main character and their myriad of relationships, accomplishments, and challenges. Authors usually present these figures to delve into various aspects of their lives, personalities, and the times they lived in. The index creates a tableau to show off the author’s efforts.

The subjects we have indexed most recently include:

American architects

American politicians

American poets and novelists


California history Civil War

Crusades Everyday life from ancient to modern times

French literary figures and actors The Holocaust

Mayan civilization


The Reformation

American Revolutionary War figures and Founding Fathers

Russian film directors

Yale University Press series of Ancient Lives

Yale University Press series of Jewish Lives

Click to see titles we have recently indexed

References and samples provided upon request.